How to accurately count your potion size.

Let me tell you a story.

I had a client and before we started working together, she was convinced that she was eating nutritious foods consistently… But no matter WHAT she did, the scale wouldn’t budge.

And here’s the truth:

She surprised me, because she WAS consistently eating nutritious foods at least 80% of the time! She only indulged in non-nutritious foods 10-20% of the time.


Her portion sizes were WAY off. She was seriously underestimating her portion sizes — for healthy foods like chicken and broccoli, AND for indulgent foods like pizza.

Here's the truth: The amount of food you eat is JUST as important as the quality of food you eat.

You can eat nutritious foods 100% of the time, but if you’re still eating too MANY of them, you won’t be in a calorie deficit, meaning you won’t lose weight.

Are you someone who is eating healthy foods *most* of the time, but you’re struggling to lose weight, I would bet that you’re underestimating your portion sizes.

Stop and check in with yourself… Use a food scale or a measuring cup and take the time to LEARN how much food you’re eating. I bet your portion sizes would surprise you. 😉

Do you have questions on how to best portion out your meals?